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Bibi Saves the Ocean

Children’s Picture Book

Clever, resourceful, and bighearted! When this little girl discovers nature has taken a beating, can she use her head to rescue the day?

Bibi loves the beautiful world. Hitting the beach with her two best friends, the joyful nine-year-old can’t wait to have fun in the sun, surf, and sand. But she’s shocked when the pristine playground she was expecting is covered in garbage.

Determined to solve the mystery, the conscientious child discovers the recycling area is hidden, the no-littering signs are faded, and the trash bins are neglected. But with a job so big, she fears rolling up her sleeves and getting her hands dirty won’t be enough to set things right.

Can Bibi recruit her community to jump in and turn the dump into a paradise?

Bibi Saves the Ocean is the heartwarming second book in the Preserve the Planet Series of children’s picture books. If you or your young reader like protecting the environment, working together for the good of all, and discussing the power of caring for the Earth, then you’ll love Judith A. Ewa’s illustrated tale of hope.

Buy Bibi Saves the Ocean to be part of the solution today!

Bibi Saves the Honey Bees

Children’s Picture Book

Honey is great! When the hard-working insects that make the tasty treat are in danger, can this determined girl set things right?

 Bibi misses nothing. Playing in the field next door with her best friends, the observant nine-year-old knows every bird, plant, and bug. So when she notices a huge drop in the number of honeybees, she fears something awful has happened.

 Running to her mom for answers, she learns how insecticides and pesticides don’t just kill weeds and aphids but also the good nectar-gatherers. And certain it is easy to grow healthy flowers for the busy buzzers in the family garden, she’s dismayed when her green thumb fails—but refuses to give up. 

 Can Bibi roll up her sleeves, try again, and succeed?

 Bibi Saves the Honey Bees is the charming first volume in the Preserve the Planet children’s picture book series. If you or your child like clever heroines, making a difference, and vibrant art, then you’ll love Judith A. Ewa’s sweet but powerful message.

 Buy Bibi Saves the Honey Bees to cherish the little things today!

Bibi Saves the Honey Bees – NOW AVAILABLE in Deutsch – Español – Français

Grab Your Copy Today!

Bibi salva a las abejas

Bibi no se pierde de nada. Al jugar en el campo junto a su casa con sus mejores amigos, esta niña observadora de nueve años conoce cada ave, planta et insecto que la rodea. Entonces, cuando advierte na enorme disminución de la cantidad de abejas, teme que algo horrible haya sucedido.

Podra Bibi arremangarse, volver a intertarlo y esta vez si tener éxito?

Compra hoy Bibi salva a las abejas, para valorar las pequeños cosas!

Bibi rettet die Honigbienen

Bibi entgeht nichts. Die aufgeweckte Neunjährige, die mit ihren besten Freunden auf dem nahegelegenen Feld spielt, kennt jeden Vogle, jede Planze und jedes Insekt. Als sie bemerkt, dass die Zahl der Honigbienen stark zurückgegangen ist, befürchtet sie, dass etwas Schlimmes passsiert ist.

Kann Bibi die Ärmel hochkrempeln, es noch einmal versuchen und Erfolg haben?

Kaufen Sie Bibi rettet die Honegbienen und schätzen Sie damit die kleinen Dinge des Lebens umso mehr!

Bibi sauve les abeilles domestiques

Bibi ne manque rien. Jouant sur le terrain voisin avec ses meilleures amies, l’bservatrice de neuf ans connaît chaque oiseau, plante et insecte. Ainsi, lorsqu’elle remarque une baise énorme de nombre d’abeilles, elle craint que quelque chose de terrible soit advenue.

Bibi peut-elle travailler d’arache-pied, essayer à nouveau, et réussir?

Veuillez acheter Bibi sauve les abeilles domestiques pour choyer les petites choses aujourd’hui.

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